welcome to YRD GEORGIA

Empower. Innovate. Unite. 🌍✨

Empowering the youth of Georgia through education, activism, and innovation. Join us in creating equal opportunities for all, no matter where you’re from.

Diversity and Support: Together, we’re cultivating a future where every young person thrives.

“Empowerment in Action: Nourishing bodies, minds, and communities.”

Youth Empowerment

We facilitate workshops, training, and seminars to empower young individuals with the skills and knowledge to become active participants in their communities and agents of change.

Erasmus + Projects

Our organization actively participates in Erasmus+ funded projects, offering young people opportunities to study, volunteer, and work across Europe, promoting cultural exchange and personal development.

About Us

Our Mission& Vision

At Youth For Regional Development, we envision a world where every young person, regardless of their geographical location, possesses the power to shape their future and contribute to a society that prizes equality, sustainability, and mutual prosperity. Our vision is a vibrant community brimming with young leaders, activists, and innovators who drive positive change in their regions and beyond. To realize this vision, our mission is to unlock the potential of Georgia’s youth through innovative digital platforms, comprehensive education, and active community engagement. We are committed to bridging the opportunity gap between rural and urban youth, creating an equitable environment for growth, learning, and innovation. Advocating for democratic values, facilitating peaceful dialogues, promoting environmental awareness, and encouraging entrepreneurship, we empower young individuals to become catalysts for change. Together, we aim to forge a future where youth are not only the advocates for social justice and sustainable development but also the architects of a more equitable world for all.”

Community Engagement

Through volunteer programs and local initiatives, we encourage youths to engage with and contribute to their communities, fostering a sense of responsibility and social cohesion.

Advocacy and Awareness:

We run campaigns to raise awareness about critical issues such as environmental conservation, human rights, and inclusive education, advocating for policy changes and action.

Digital Innovation

Leveraging technology, we provide a platform for digital learning and creativity, enabling young people to develop digital skills that are crucial in today’s technology-driven world.

Our Causes

What We Do

At Youth For Regional Development, we harness the collective power of youth to drive social change and foster regional development. Through innovative programming and collaborative initiatives, we are shaping a future that values diversity, inclusivity, and sustainability. Our actions are designed to empower, educate, and engage young minds, ensuring that every young person has the tools and opportunities to succeed.



Educational Initiatives


International Collaboration


Local Action


Policy Advocacy


Technological Empowerment

Learn how to get involved

Your journey to impact starts here. Volunteer with us and be a part of a community that’s changing the world one step at a time.

“Volunteering at Youth For Regional Development has been a transformative experience. I’ve been able to contribute to projects that have a tangible impact on communities. The team’s dedication to empowering youth is infectious, and it’s rewarding to see the direct results of our work. It’s more than an organization; it’s a family that’s committed to making a difference.”

Aleksandra, Volunteer

“Joining the Erasmus+ program through Youth For Regional Development opened up a world of opportunities for me. I’ve grown so much both professionally and personally, developing skills I never knew I had, and making lifelong friends from all over the world. This experience has been invaluable, and I’m so grateful for the support and encouragement from the team.”

Maria, Program Participant

“As a local participant in one of the community development projects, I’ve witnessed first-hand the positive changes Youth For Regional Development brings. Their initiatives don’t just talk about change; they make it happen. I’ve seen our youth come together, inspired and motivated, to work on solutions that benefit us all. This organization truly believes in the power of young people.”

Amir, Project Participant

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Call Anytime: + 995 591 704 280